Friday, 8 June 2007

Why do we blog?

I've been on this journey with all of you. And this has set me thinking. What is this blogging thing? Why do we blog? Is it the journalist wannabe inside us? Or do we write to think (clearly)? Or do we want to share our opinion with the netizens of the world?

I have been aimless from the start. I now know blogging is not my style. But I've learnt immensely about it and how it could work. Sometimes it's not the end product that matters. Perhaps "the journey itself is the reward". I don't have a fantastic blog to show but the journey has been great.

The person who has studied blogging is a professor in the University of California at Irvine. She is Bonnie Nardi and written a great academic paper on this topic of blogging. I like to share this with you...

Bonnie Nardi's Academic Paper

Feel free to pass this on. Or comment if you wish. That's what blogging is about after all.

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