Monday, 11 June 2007

Assessment #2 Blog Post

I think after all this blogging I have learnt that blogging is now essential to most people's lives as a form of expressing themselves to the world. Some people use their blog to introduce new ideas, make themselves heared when no one is listening in the real world, share facts to change anothers view on a subject or even just do it as a means of communicating between friends.

In this blog I have learned how to use different websites such as Technorati, Flickr,, and Blogger!

From Blogger, I have gathered that aesthetics of a page can give a really good or really bad first impression before someone has even read the content. Colour is on of the major components in aesthetics and a bright colour can capture attention as well as lose it! Not looking to busy on the layout makes it easier on your viewers eyes and loads faster; people these days don't have much patience! I recon flash and/or quicktime takes too long and sometimes doesn't work on some computers. As for content I think that it is pretty subjective to individuals. Most of my blog is fact of my interest and currently puttting some funny ones to entertain myself (and maybe some of you guys too!). Since the start I have changed the layout from the default. I recon it's pretty easy to read now as for function I recon the links I have help me a lot in my work as well as in my assignments. Even now I constantly refer to them as a source of my favourite recipes that I use daily. I have used my blog as a home page in other people's computer to retrieve links that are needed at the time. Although I wouldn't have said this earlier in the year I have found Blogger quite useful! I haave used Flickr to share my pictures with my friends iin different countries, with Flickr they have been given an insght into my life here in Australia. With some of the pictures, they have taught me that for example using a wrong font in a signage can lead to many misunderstandings.

All in all, although I have not really mastered the art of blogging I have found that this amazing idea of blogging...amazing. Not just learning from whats taught in the classroom but learning from all the other classmates and could share what everone is doing at anytime at a click of the mouse.

Visitors to my blog

Visitors to my site

a detailed summary of who has visited my site


Total 69
Average Per Day 4
Average Visit Length 5:43
Last Hour 4
Today 11
This Week 25


Total 251
Average Per Day 9
Average Per Visit 2.5
Last Hour 31
Today 48
This Week 62

I have found that not many people have visited my blog. Perhaps the conent is not interesting to other blog users...


The new look

This is the new look of my blog! Do you like it?

Compare it with my old blog :

What do you think?

Screen captures of some good and bad blogs

Good blogs and Interesting Layouts

These blogs are different ot the rest in terms of layout.

Bad Aesthetics

Too busy...don't know where to start. Literally stumbled across this one!

Friday, 8 June 2007

Why do we blog?

I've been on this journey with all of you. And this has set me thinking. What is this blogging thing? Why do we blog? Is it the journalist wannabe inside us? Or do we write to think (clearly)? Or do we want to share our opinion with the netizens of the world?

I have been aimless from the start. I now know blogging is not my style. But I've learnt immensely about it and how it could work. Sometimes it's not the end product that matters. Perhaps "the journey itself is the reward". I don't have a fantastic blog to show but the journey has been great.

The person who has studied blogging is a professor in the University of California at Irvine. She is Bonnie Nardi and written a great academic paper on this topic of blogging. I like to share this with you...

Bonnie Nardi's Academic Paper

Feel free to pass this on. Or comment if you wish. That's what blogging is about after all.

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Global Incidents at a Glance

How safe a world do we live in? Have a look at global incidents that happen daily, updated on this map. Click on the spot to get more details.

Global Incidents Map

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

How your computer cursor works

How does the small cursor arrow on your computer work when we move the mouse? Don't believe what you read in books. Or your lecturer!
Now, through the miracle of technology, we can see how it is done.
With the aid of a screen-magnifying lens, the mechanism becomes apparent.

Click on the link below and you will find out.
The image may take a minute or two to download and when it appears,
slowly move your mouse over the light-grey circle, move fast too if you want,
and you will see how the magic works.

Your computer cursor

2012 London Olympics logo

What do you guys think? Is it a bold logo or you think otherwise?
Have a look.

Olympic 2012 Logo